About Lange Law
Winnipeg Real Estate Lawyer

Most law firms fight to get the biggest clients. They all want to represent the banks, the credit unions, the private lenders, the builders, or the big corporations. Those law firms cater to these large clients and develop their internal processes to these larger clients’ needs. I don’t want those clients. I want to help the grandmother sell the home that she has lived in for 50 years with her husband, who had passed away last year. I want to help the first time home buyer navigate the buying process for the home they will start their family in. When those first time home buyers have their first child, I want to help them discuss how that child will be raised if the worst should happen. I want to help people who have worked hard for years, and are building their “Dream Home”. I want to help those who have suffered a great loss, and are now tasked with the thankless job of dealing with their loved one’s estate. Why is that my focus? Because I am those people. I was the first time home buyer, it was my grandmother selling her home, or my wife and I discussing who will raise our children if we should die. Lange Law is here to help you, your parents, your children, and your grandparents through all the amazing stages of your personal lives.

Let us do the driving for you.
Meeting you at your kitchen table.